Self-Care & Community Care: The Importance of Incorporating Both Into Our Lives

Self-Care & Community Care - The Importance of Incorporating Both Into Our Lives

By Jordan Small, MA, LPC COVID-19 has impacted many people in negative ways. Research shows that people have experienced an increase in anxiety, depression, fear, social isolation, and a decrease in distress tolerance (Usher et al., 2020).  Additionally, research explains that the lack of in-person social connections has caused poor physical and emotional health (Usher et al., 2020). As a … Read More

How to Relate Better with Your Children Using Filial Play Therapy

Filial Play Therapy

Entry submitted by GERARDO BLANCO, MS, LPC, LMFT-S, RPT What Is Play Therapy? You may be asking yourself, “What is filial play therapy, play therapy and why should I consider parts of this approach with my child.” Simply put, Play Therapy is aptitude in relationship. It is utilizing the art of relating and responding to build a relationship and increase … Read More

What Are Triggers?

What Are Triggers?

I love the Trisha Yearwood song from the early 90’s, The Song Remembers When, in which she sings about hearing a song on the radio. As a therapist now I recognize this as an emotional trigger. Hearing the song stirred a memory of a past relationship and she describes her reaction: “It was like a lighted match had been tossed … Read More

How Legislation Can Help Stop Human Trafficking

By Dr. Kim Robinson As a licensed Psychologist and counselor working at Ranch Hands Rescue, I am proud to have the privilege of educating my spheres of influence about the heinous crime of human trafficking. This has truly been some of the most gratifying work that I have engaged in since working as a psychologist. I am a part of … Read More

Benefits of Emotional Support Animals & The Power of Working with Animals

By Monique Van Houten, MS, LPC-Associate Supervised by Supervised by Joye Jones, LPC-Supervisor How Do Emotional Support Animals Help? I have heard time and time again from clients, friends, and family that animals are “supportive” and they “make me feel better”. I have often wondered why this is, finding myself thinking that there has to be more to it than … Read More

Human Trafficking and Social Media, Tips for Social Media Safety

The Importance of Social Media and Internet Safety for Kids In the last few decades, social media has made itself a regular part of life for many people. There are many different platforms catered to different purposes, interests and generations. Whether your interests are video games, memes, politics or even genuinely stoked goats (yes, that is a real Facebook page), … Read More

Fight Sex Trafficking with 5 SIMPLE Strategies

How To Combat Sex Trafficking Sex trafficking is human trafficking for the purpose of sexual exploitation, including sexual slavery. Trafficking victims are women, men, boys and girls. At Ranch Hands Rescue, we believe there are five key ways you can help combat this form of modern day slavery and fight sex trafficking. 1.  Be Aware of the Signs The first … Read More

Adapting to Change & Healing from Trauma

Why Humans Are So Good At Adapting To Change Adaptive: to make fit (as for a new use) often by modification Maladaptive: marked by poor or inadequate ability to modify to fit Humans are the most successful mammals on the planet BECAUSE we are the best at adaptation. We can adapt to fit nearly any climate, circumstance, or challenge. This … Read More

Congruence and Incongruence – How to Believe You’re Good Enough

Congruence and Incongruence

Carl Rogers on Congruence “We cannot change, we cannot move away from what we are, until we thoroughly accept what we are. Then change seems to come about almost unnoticed” (Carl R. Rogers, On Becoming a Person). Carl Rogers referred to congruence as a compatible match between an individual’s ideal sense of self and their actual experience of their sense … Read More