Caring for the Caregivers

Caring for the Caregivers

American healthcare providers are facing an unprecedented level of stress and trauma as a result of the Covid-19 outbreak. In some areas of the country, their exposure to traumatic events is equivalent to a war zone hospital (TIME, 2020). When overwhelming stress is paired with inadequate follow-up care, the result is often Post Traumatic Stress. That is the aftermath we … Read More

Release of Emotional Tension and Anxiety

Release of emotional tension

Release Tension Tension. It is a state of being that requires almost no explanation to be understood. Most animals are capable of recognizing tension even across species. It can be a temporary state, or it can be one’s modus operandi. We feel it every day to variable degrees. Usually, a mammal will return to a state of non-tension (maybe even … Read More

The Cycle of Abusing Ourselves

The Cycle of Abuse

Recently, I crafted a metaphor that helped me understand how maltreatment cycles through us as we go about the business of living. It is my hope that this way of looking at the legacy of abuse and trauma is helpful to others as it has been for me. Why Do We Abuse Ourselves? When we experience abuse, or trauma of … Read More

Letter From Our Founder

In 2008, I formulated a mission: to bring together abused and neglected animals with abused and neglected people. Through my own experience with rescued animals, I realized their therapeutic impact on our mental health. In 2009, Ranch Hands Rescue became a 501(c)(3) public charity. Today, our fully licensed professional counselors specialize in trauma-focused therapy, Equine and Animal Assisted Counseling (EAAC), … Read More

Roo’s New Years Resolution

Emotional Support Dog Needs Three Prosthetics to Walk (Argyle, TX, December 26, 2018) – Roo, a one-year-old Basenji mix, has one goal for 2019  – to run and play like other dogs. Born with congenital deformities in three of her legs, Roo cannot walk normally. The once-abandoned puppy was rescued from the Lewisville Animal Shelter and is now an emotional … Read More

Focusing on Help for Abused Men and Boys

Help for Abused Men and Boys

Male Sex Trafficking & Its Effects With years of experience helping sex trafficking victims process their emotional trauma, RHR is developing a plan to change the severe lack of aid for young boys trapped in the sex trafficking industry or male sexual assault victims. Half of sex trafficking victims are male, but to add to boys’ nearly invisible victimhood, “only … Read More

What is EAAC Therapy?

EAAC - Animal Assisted Counseling

EAAC Therapy EAAC stands for Equine and Animal Assisted Counseling, a therapeutic modality that helps traumatized individuals build a relationship with a horse or other animal to bring about transformation and healing. There are many hardships in life that can cause intense emotional trauma such as abuse, neglect, domestic violence, divorce, mental illness, substance abuse, death or imprisonment of a … Read More

What is EMDR Therapy?

EMDR stands for Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing. Repeated studies show that by using EMDR therapy people can experience the benefits of psychotherapy that once took years take effect. Although most people think that severe emotional pain requires a long time to heal, EMDR therapy shows that the mind can in fact heal from psychological trauma much as the body … Read More

Counseling Center Plans to Launch the First Safe House Located in Texas to Serve Sex-Trafficked Young Men Nationwide

DENTON, TEXAS (PRWEB) NOVEMBER 29, 2017 Bob Williams, CEO of Ranch Hands Rescue Counseling Center and Animal Sanctuary in Denton, Texas, just announced ambitious plans to open one of the first safe houses in the country exclusively catering to male victims of sex trafficking. The U.S. Department of State cites global statistics estimating that boys and men may represent nearly 50% … Read More

Bonham Veterans Home residents to participate in healing collaboration with Ranch Hand Rescue

First-time collaboration for Texas Veterans Land Board AUSTIN – Today Texas Land Commissioner George P. Bush announced that the General Land Office’s Veterans Land Board (VLB) is collaborating with Ranch Hand Rescue (RHR) Counseling Center and Animal Sanctuary to offer animal therapy for residents of the Clyde W. Cosper Texas State Veterans Home with Post-Traumatic Stress (PTS). The collaboration will … Read More